Sunday 13 July 2014

A strange year

Well due to all the graduation pictures I've seen on Facebook recently I've been reminded that its been a year since I myself graduated from university in fact its probably over a year now. Its hard to believe that so much time has passed/ Since my graduation I've volunteered in two different labs, decided that I wanted to apply for a PhD, did my first proper interview, was awarded the studentship and have been out doing fieldwork collecting samples for my PhD. Whilst I have been in the labs and out sampling, it has been very strange not having to go to lectures/classes or having do exams (though that's a very nice kind of strange). I still find it hard to believe that my degree is all over.

In terms of my fieldwork I've been to quite a few places across Northern Ireland so far and still have a lot to go. I have to collect individual leaves from trees for genetic analysis as well as recording their gps coordinates. The first two times we went out there were four of us and it was great, we got sites done on both days and I got my species collected and helped out collecting other peoples' species as well. Unfortunately the next time I went out there was only the two of us and a lot of species/samples to collect. It was three days in a row only one site each day. The first day was the worst, unfortunately it was a blazing hot day and it involved a lot of climbing up and down the side of a very steep hill through undergrowth. Of course due to the heat I didn't even think of putting a long sleeved shirt on but that meant that my arms ended up being scratched all over. It got worse when we ended up taking a wrong turn and climbed a very steep path up to the top of a hill which we then had to go back down again. Thankfully other people arrived to help out but I had to sit in the car for the final part of the day as I was so exhausted. The other two days were much better but still long and physically demanding, something I will have to get used to.
This was taken on my second day of sampling

View from the top of the very steep hill

In terms of other physical activity I went paintballing for the second time which was a lot of fun despite there only being six of us (see my previous post). My friend has also organised regular five a side football matches which are good fun and a great full body exercise. After not really playing any football during my degree after playing it most lunchtimes and in PE/games classes at my high school its been nice to play again. I recently took part in a charity football tournament along with my brother and some friends which was good fun. I do try and get out for a walk most days if I'm at home and the weather is good and I've also started going out on my bike to try and get fitter.

A picture I took on the beach near my house whilst out walking

 Its also been about a year since my last guitar lesson after I decided to take a break and to be honest whilst I know I still have a lot to learn, I haven't really missed them. I have just been enjoying messing about and having fun rather than feeling obligated to practice grade pieces or scales etc. I've attempted to teach myself some piano/keyboard but that definitely needs more work. I also had my first ever jam session with a friend and his friends which was a lot of fun. I have recorded various riffs and things but I should probably try and sit down and write a song properly.

So overall it has been a strange but good year. I've worked hard but I've also had much needed relaxation time after an intensive three year degree. I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer as well as seeing lots more of Northern Ireland collecting samples before I start my PhD properly.

Thanks for reading.

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