Once again I must apologise for a lack of updates, I'm starting to realise why when I first started this blog why so many other TCS blogs/sites hadn't been updated in a while. It is hard to write even once a month especially when I don't want it to be a series of negative pieces about dealing with TCS. In fairness I have been busy with my PhD along with driving lessons. After my summer holiday it was straight back into work and I had a busy period where I was out most weekends getting samples mainly with my dad. It was great getting out all over Northern Ireland and I saw some lovely places. That said it was a relief to eventually finish sampling for the year after managing to collect the majority of the samples I needed. Since then I have been working away in the lab and am close to finishing off one section of my project but I still have a lot of work ahead of me. In other news I passed my theory driving test which was a relief. I'm still taking driving lessons and hope to get my actual licence sometime early 2016.

You can see some of the many other pictures I took whilst sampling at my
flickr page
Once again Christmas seems to have snuck up on me it's hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I don't really feel that Christmassey yet but I guess that's one of the downsides of being an adult. Thankfully I no longer have exams in January so at least I don't feel under pressure to revise over the holiday. I don't really have any New Years resolutions but I will try and write more for this blog, I do have ideas of things to write about it's just a case of sitting down and actually writing or rather typing stuff.
Thanks for being patient and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and have a good New Year!
Our Christmas tree with super bright lights! |
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