Saturday, 18 October 2014


Apologies, I know it has been over a month since my last update but I've been a lot busier now that I've started my PhD. Its been rather strange getting into a regular routine after not having one for so long, have to say I haven't been enjoying having to get up so early. I haven't really done much lab work yet its been mostly reading and refreshing my memory on the theory behind the stuff I'm working on. I've also had to spend a fair bit of time at induction/introduction seminars  as well as a training course for being a practical demonstrator. Basically PhD students are expected to help out with undergraduate practicals. The lecturer is in charge and he or she goes through what the students are meant to be doing and then the demonstrators go around the room and help anyone who needs it during the practical. We get paid for it which is great and we get paid extra if we have to do marking on top the practical. I'm glad I'm only scheduled for one a week though as they are quite draining and they can last up slightly over 3 hours or longer if you are marking so you have less time for other work.

I had my first practical demonstrating session last week. It was rather surreal as I did the exact same practical in the first year of my degree. The lecturer did things a bit differently in that he assigned each of us to a group of students. It was a bit awkward at first, obviously they were nervous as it was their first practical and I was nervous as it was my first time demonstrating but once things got started it was fine. I did have to repeat myself a few times as they weren't used to me and maybe didn't understand me that clearly, I also had to ask them to repeat some of their questions as it can get quite noisy during a practical.  It was an introduction to microscopes practical and to be honest I hadn't used a microscope since the second year of my degree, that said I think a bit of muscle memory kicked in and I was able to help them find what they were meant to be looking at on the microscope slides and answer their questions. I also got my first taste of marking which was interesting. I had my second session this week, it was a different lecturer who just let the students sit wherever they wanted which was slightly annoying as it meant you were dealing with a lot of different students. I got the impression that some of them were reluctant to get help from me, they'd look uncertain but after I walk past they'd put their hand up and get help from one of the other demonstrators, which is a bit disappointing. Despite this I do think it has been a good experience for me so far and hopefully over time they will see that I'm happy and able to help.

Thanks for reading.

How do I use one of these again?

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