Well last week was certainly fun, to start off with me and my brother went down to Dublin to see Fall Out Boy a band who I've wanted to see for a long time but they have never come to Northern Ireland. We drove down on the day but despite getting a bit lost we made it in plenty of time to get a bite to eat and get to the venue in plenty of time.The show was in the Olympia Theatre which was quite surprising as it isn't the biggest venue but it added to the atmosphere. They sounded great that said I wasn't that fussed on Joe's (the lead guitarist) solo spot, would much rather they had played another song and just have him shred the same for the drummers solo spot. People love to hate them but they are definitely one of my favourite bands and I'm really glad I got to see them live.
This is a picture that the band got taken at the concert, me and my brother were at the back on the ground floor so you can't see us |
The second thing I did last week which is now a weekly thing was play five a side football (soccer to my American readers). I've always been a fan of playing and watching football and its really nice playing again. I probably played football the majority of lunchtimes and a fair amount of break times at high school. The leisure centre we go to has eight separate artificial five a side pitches which are fantastic and you don't have to worry about the ball going out unless you hit it really high. It's a great workout and its fairly cheap.
This is the type of pitch we play on |
And finally on Sunday I went paintballing for the second time, my friend decided to organise an outing to the same place we went last time. Unfortunately a lot of people who said they would go changed their minds or dropped out at short notice so it ended up only being six of us. It still ended up being great fun and three vs three is still pretty intense. It is also a great workout but it can be quite painful, the place we go to lets you rent padding for your torso but I ended up getting shot mostly on my arms and legs and the paintballs can leave a mark. The place we go to is called Escarmouche and I highly recommend it if you want to go paintballing in Northern Ireland, I can't link to their site at the moment as it is down but I will whenever it is up again. They are really professional and a pleasure to deal with and the site they have is pretty epic with a number of game zones from simple open areas with tires for cover to larger ones with wooden huts and towers. We are planning to go back in a few weeks with a larger number of people hopefully.
Boom headshot! |
Thanks for reading!
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