Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Done and dusted

Well its hard to believe that the three years are over already and that I've finished my degree, now all I have to do is wait and see what my results are and then attend graduation. On one hand its hard not to be nervous, I'm sincerely hoping I have done well, on the other hand there is nothing else I can do and I just need to play the waiting game. I like to think I've worked hard and it would be really awful if I don't manage to get a good degree at the end of it all.


 This final year was hard, our group of university friends was broken up even further due to us doing mostly different  modules and if we did spend time together in uni it was whilst working away on assignments or our honours projects. My own honours project was time intensive and demanding, I was in almost every Thursday and Friday working in the lab from the third week up to the week before the actual practical work deadline (well into the second semester). It meant learning a lot of new techniques, with little encouragement for doing things well but plenty of disapproval from my practical work supervisor if any mistakes were made. Once all the practical work was done then it was time for analysis and of course the writing of the actual report (mine ended up being 30 pages long) as well as a presentation on the project. Morale wasn't exactly helped by the fact that the amount of work wasn't balanced between students, with some not having to start practical work until well into the second semester allowing them plenty more time to complete assignments and revise for the first semester of exams but this was due to the school and the supervisors not the students.

As I've said before I'm not exactly sure what my plans are for the future it may be that I go back and do a masters or a PhD but it would have to be something that I'm interested in rather than doing something just for the sake of it. I'm planning to have some time to relax and recuperate after the exams I've just done and then I will start looking at my options properly. Obviously what I decide will depend on how I have actually done in my degree overall.

Thanks for reading.

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