Sunday, 20 November 2011

Busy busy busy

Sorry for lack of updates second year of university has been pretty hectic, lots of practical reports to hand in not to mention the fact that I am in around 20 hours a week, compared to some of my friends who's courses only require that they be in for a tiny 7 hours. I'm pretty worried about exams as I have had literally no time to go over my notes and do extra reading but hopefully with it tailing off before Christmas I'll be fine.

Don't really have anything relevant to talk about today other than the fact that yet again I've been asked if I want a BAHA, the fact that I've been asked so many times almost makes me not want one. As I've said before I am pretty happy with what I have at the moment, its definitely not top of my list of things to do.

In other news finally realised that the reciever that I use with my new radio mic system actually works with my old system so I can use that with my ipod although this means I have to carry two systems to uni (whenever I'm not using the new system it goes in my bag) and make sure both are charged/have fresh batteries. Also got a hard case to protect my expensive ipod but of course like everything not even that was simple, you see to use an mp3, headphone jack on pc etc. I have to connect them to my radio mic system using a special cable, apparently these cables only come with angled jacks and of course the hard case doesn't like angled jacks as they won't fit properly. It does work but it comes loose very easily, just another example of how TCS affects almost everything.

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