^Awesome song by Thom Yorke^
So again sorry for the lack of updates especially now that I've had over 200 views, this blog as definitely exceeded my expectations.
One of the things I feel I should talk about is how TCS affects people's hearing, again it probably differs with each person but it is something that is clearly associated with having TCS.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend a while back, I commented on how I felt bad for a girl in the year below us (who my friend was friends with) who was completely deaf and had to use sign language because she would never know what music was and my friend's response was along the lines of "you can't miss something if you never had it". This is true but I still feel bad for people who are not as lucky as me, I am eternally grateful for the fact that I can put on my hearing aid every morning and hear, which lets me enjoy music, play guitar etc.
Which is not to say my hearing aid doesn't have limitations, whilst on holiday I was again reminded how uncomfortable loud environments can be, my understanding is that people with normal hearing can tune out background noise and hence adapt to loud environments like restaurants but for me its just a big sea of sound. Another limitation is that I cannot tell which direction a sound is coming from just by hearing it, for example if somebody shouts for me to come to them in my house I have to ask them which room they are in as I cannot physically tell.
Well that's all for now, thanks for reading.
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