Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Mr. Brightside

Sorry for not posting properly for a while I wasn't really sure what to talk about so I've decided to post something a bit more positive.

Here are the more positive aspects that I've found from having TCS:
  1. You stand out from the crowd
  2. You get more satisfaction from doing certain things as you have the knowledge that it has been harder for you because other people don't have to deal with the problems of TCS
  3. I can turn my hearing aid off whenever I want, this has numerous uses such as protecting my hearing at loud concerts etc. and it also means that I'm not woken at night due to loud noises like wind, rain, people getting up earlier than me
  4. I don't need to buy expensive headphones, I can listen to my mp3/laptop/dvd player wirelessly by plugging it into my mic system which transmits the sound to the receiver attached to my hearing aid.
  5. This may just be me but I've learnt to appreciate things more such as music because I wear a hearing aid which allows me to hear things properly
Thanks for reading.


  1. Another positive thing for me has been that people remember me. When I start a new term in school, my professors remember me sooner than my peers. And the people in the local coffee shops always have a smile for me because they remember my face.

  2. That is a good point, sometimes its nice to stand out from the crowd.
