Saturday, 21 March 2015


Just thought I would share this video created by the charity Changing Faces. A short and sweet advert to raise awareness about people staring at facial disfigurements.

A while back I saw a video of a little person who had put a hidden camera on himself and recorded his day including people staring, making comments and even taking photos of him without asking! It just makes me wonder what the results of someone with TCS doing this would be. I wrote a piece about staring before here but just makes you wonder how many times it actually happens and also how many times it happens that you don't necessarily pick up on it. As far as I'm aware no one has taken a picture of me without asking (or asking for that matter) but if they did then I think it would make me seriously angry. Staring is one thing but taking a photograph is just completely rude.

Continuing on the topic of videos  the new Treacher Collins Family Support Group website has a whole load of videos from tv shows which people with TCS have featured on. I definitely recommend as some of them are really good.

Thanks for reading.