Sunday, 21 December 2014

Christmas Update

Hello, first of all I want to apologise for the lack of updates, I have had some ideas for things to write about but to be honest I haven't really been in the mood. I've been working away at my PhD since the last update, I think I've settled in a bit better and I'm now a bit more confident about what I'm doing. It was quite a short semester so after Christmas the real work begins including lab work, planning field work, carrying out field work to collect samples as well as continuing to do lots of reading and working on my thesis. Before finishing for Christmas I had to do a presentation (as did all the other first year PhD students) on my project and the work I had done so far. It was to be 10 minutes long with questions afterwards. I have to admit I was rather nervous but I think overall it went well despite rushing slightly at the end and maybe asking too many rhetorical questions" What is the problem? what is the current plan? what am I doing? etc." My friend said that I seemed much more relaxed than in my project presentation in the final year of my degree which is a good thing, I was also able to answer the questions that people asked me.

Another reason for my lack of updates is that the last few weeks have been rather busy with the PhD presentation, I went to see both Kasabian (amazing) and Embrace (decent) live as well as attending a gig organised by my brother for his website featuring three local bands. I also attended a Christmas party for PhD students and staff members as well as catching up with one of my friends who I haven't seen for a while. I've got one more night out with people from my lab to go to which I'm looking forward to as well as Christmas itself with a chance to relax without having to worry about work.

Merry Christmas and thanks for reading.