I don't know if I mentioned before but over the summer I had a trial period of a digital bone conductor hearing aid firstly because it is meant to be better than analog but mainly because the analog ones are getting harder to repair/are not being made any more apparently. When I tried it on it was very strange because things sounded different from what I was used to.The technician/audiologist made a big deal about how it had programs installed in order to block out background noise and hence let me hear a conversation in a noisy environment. I tried it for maybe a week or so before having to switch back to my old one due to the wierd noises I kept getting with the digital one, quite hard to describe but it made it impossible for me to hear people at times.
It was only a couple of weeks ago that we finally got a follow up appointment to try and get it sorted out and the guy (who is an awkward person to deal with in the first place) only decided to tell us then that the programs are actually only meant for people with inner ear damage (which he knew I didn't have when he first gave me the digital aid). So basically he had sent me off to trial a hearing aid which had programs installed that he basically knew wouldn't work for me. So I've now gotten it home again with the programs switched off so its basically the same as my old one excep digital. The problem is that I can't actually use it properly since the shoe to attach the reciever for my fm system (which I give to lecturers at uni and also allows me to listen to music etc.) requires the removal of the battery compartment which is attached by almost microscopic screws. We had actually forgotten about asking whether or not the old shoe would fit, assuming that it would but when it turned out it doesn't. Instead of warning us about the battery compartment needing to be removed he just sent out the shoe with a tiny screw driver thing but the fact is neither I nor my parents would be comfortable messing with it so we have to wait to go back up and have him sort it out which is rather frustrating.